Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Chris Chan


Hey blog
After you read this, you will feel a little weird. If you are over the age of 23, then you probably have never heard of Chritine Weston Chandler, formerly known as Christian Weston Chandler.
Chris Chan is an autistic man that began posting on the internet in the late 90s. 
He would post his character he created "Sonichu", but I will like to focus on his romantic endeavours. 
Having struggled to create relationships in his life, Chris always promoted himself as a single man looking for an available girl. 
Trolls very quickly found him, and now he has become one of the biggest tragedies of the internet. 
The story of Chris Chan is a basis for our character, a man who became so entranced with the internet, that it became the biggest and only part of his life. 
In late 2007, he became internet-famous when images of him at a tabletop gaming store leaked out to the "Something Awful" message boards. Upon discovery, Chris was mocked for his odd fashion sense and odd appearance and images of Chris at the store soon spread to places like 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica and in the process, many trolls became exposed to his webcomic for the first time, propelling Chris to stardom. Initial fascination was spurred on by his childlike artwork, his signature homemade Sonichu medallion that he wore in public, and his history of loitering in public places while literally holding up a sign asking women to talk to him. His reaction to the mockery led to a cycle of him revealing more disturbing fcts about himsef and trolls going to greater lenghths to uncover info.  Thus, Chris's life began to spiral out of control with the advent of organized trolling, armchair psychological analysis from bewildered onlookers, and some truly bizarre antics from Chandler that continue to this day.


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