Saturday, February 18, 2023

Our Main Character

Hey lovely blog, 
Let me tell you what Martina, Clara and I have been brewing. 
We have an idea and we are pretty solid on it. We want to create a short on an involuntary celibate, or incel for short, a phenomenon that although has existed for long, has evolved due to the internet and the ability to find partners on it, and to market ourselves. 
Our idea would surround a man, who after experiencing a very harsh rejection from a woman, has a spontaneous idea with a monkey. 
I know it sounds crazy, but listen, it makes sense to us. 
After having the idea, he posts himself saying he will have sex with the monkey, he finds that his video has gone pretty viral, and the audience is encouraging him to commit the act of bestiality. He believes he is becoming some sort of idol for men who hate women, by introducing a new idea on how to experience sexual pleasure without having to interact with women, when in reality the people watching are people mocking his lack of tact, people interested to watch because of the shock. Some believe he is some sort of publicity stunt, some truly want to peer pressure him till he has sex with the monkey, and others are just watching, because that's simply what we do. 
We do not want our character to be a full villain. He is an extremely unlikable person, with poor social cues, and absolutely no idea how to talk to women, but he's ignorant and in the core, a man begging for help. His disconnectivity with women comes from a bad upbringing, and a lack of female role models. He is so seperated from women, that he does not acknowledge them as an equal to him, no necessarily inferior, just so different yhat it would be impossible for him to have a simple conversation. 
We have drafted a list of attributes our protagonist Diego would have. We based this on research we've done (which will be in the following blogs), and on who we generally believe Diego is, and what drove him to commit his actions. 

-Puerto Rican/American
-Conventionally attractive
-Unhigienic and doesn’t care for his looks. Unkept
-greasy hair. Ugly fits. 
-hispanic- rejects his culture and is a bit racist. 
-Avid discord/reddit/4chan user. 
-listens to old music
-never had a strong female or male role model, made him insecure in his masculinity, and have a bad relationship with women 
-disgustingly unkept room. Food everywhere. But there are still posters on the wall that reflects his change as a character, and his progress. 
-misguided sexual energy. 
-desensitized to pornography, but still addicted, so he has to reach obscure places. 
-Marihuana smoker.
-Never a partier.
-College aged. 
-He doesn’t necessarily hate women, but he’s been so removed from women, that he sees them as objects, and cannot understand or sympathize with them a lot.
-never had female friends
-includes a scene of him crying; he’s not genuinely sociopathic, but really feels remorse for his actions but can’t express it
-hashtag fuck the monkey

His physical looks are an imperative aspect of his character. We have already casted Jack Sussman to play him. The reason we chose him was because he is an excellent actor, who will be able to elevate our character. We knew we needed a proper actor to play our character, since it is an acting heavy film, and if we were to have used someone who would not be able to fully understand a character, and use that understanding in his acting, the film will not work. 
Additionally, he is pretty, he's a pretty boy. He's conventionally attractive, and we absolutely wanted that. We want our character to be attractive because it is the belief that he isn't what drives him away from women, and what he believes is the reason for his rejection. When in reality, it is not, he is the issue, because at the end of the day, looks are seldom the issue in a relationship, but a lot of men believe it is, which disconnects them from women even more. 

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