Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Choosing a Genre. PP#2

 My Team and I dwelled on what genre we were gonna do. I was initially thinking maybe a personal drama, as it is easiest to talk about what you know. According to Filmsite, drama has the most subgenres within, and includes a broad spectrum of film. Really anything that focuses on a struggle between men and men, men and nature, etc is considered a drama, as long as the situations, characters, and setting, emulate real life. They are the easiest for people to relate to, and hence, the easiest to create an emotional appeal with, as these are real life situations. 

I started off by thinking of my mother. My mother passed away when I was 10. Everytime I think of her my memories are so nebulous that it's as though I am looking at old pictures of someone I never met. Yet those memories are there. They sure are there. I want to visualize them. I wanted to, for the first time, make something about myself, about my mother, so I could get these images out, so I could see her again, but I got stuck. 

I hate drama. Not watching it, (and I surely do not hate creating it), but making it. I never know where to start. I never know how to make a film raw. How to make it interesting for myself. I think I am too young, too naive, to be writing about real life like I know something. I think it is selfish of me to be trying to do that at such an early stage. I always watch these dramas, these dialogue heavy films, and wish I could write like that. But I can’t. I watch any film by Aaron Sorkin and I think it’s a masterpiece, but at the same time I don’t understand it. I don’t get money. I don’t get what it's like to understand interpersonal relationships as deeply as Kauffman does. I am an emotional moron. I don’t want to write what I know, because what the heck do I know? All of what I believe in right now, no matter how smart I am, are from the perspective of a high schooler, and I have had enough talks with adults to know that they did not know anything either. I will write what I know, one day. But right now what I know changes too often. I’m not saying I will never write about my mother, I’m just going to do her the honor of holding off until I learn and know more. So for now, I’m going to write what I like. 

I like horror.

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